Tuesday 3 March 2015

February Favourites 2015

Bit of a mixed bag in terms of favourites this month! I've been loving so many different things, so this is just a little selection of stuff that I have really really loved during February, ft experimenting with a new blog photos background (I think I prefer them like this? Let me know your thoughts! Trying to find a decent background in my room is not the easiest let me tell you!). Anyway, commence with the favourites!

Beauty wise this month, there are four products that I find myself reaching for and completely adoring on a daily basis, three of which are newer finds but definitely deserve their place. Like the rest of the world and his wife, I have been loving the Roller Lash mascara by Benefit, which launched properly last week and I immediately snapped up my full size version. I love this mascara as I am sure you are aware of by now, and will always recommend it to anyone with short stubby lashes like my own (that is, until I find an even better mascara!) It's not cheap, retailing at £19.50, but it does a bloody good job. 

Face wise this month I have been in love with my new MAC studio fix powder and foundation in NC15, which retails at £21.50 and I literally adore. For touch ups during the day, nothing beats my trusty Soap and Glory One Heck of a Blot blotting powder, which I believe is around £12 but worth every single penny, I haven't found a better powder for the price which gets rid of all shine without being cakey and really visible. Lastly for beauty, I have been loving the Makeup Revolution ultra blush palette in Hot Spice, which is so beautiful and I am actually in love with every shade.

In terms of other loves, all the lovely chocolate brands have released their Easter chocolates and I actually couldn't be happier! Easter chocolate is my favourite chocolate, all the Maltesers Bunnies and caramel Creme Eggs and ordinary Creme Eggs and ooo I am so excited for the next few months and stuffing my face!

Along the same vein but way healthier, I have been drinking a lot of Nina's Savse Super Orange, which is my favourite juice because it tastes so very lovely and I buy it from Boots, so I also get my advantage card points! Oh Boots, we will never be split up from each other.

I have also been loving everything rose gold at the moment! I picked up this beautiful rose gold purse from New Look when I went to London, and I love the colour so much. I also have the most beautiful rose gold fairy necklace, and keep getting distracted by admiring the Zoeva rose gold brushes online! Unfortunately, they are a little out of my budget at the moment, but a girl can definitely dream. Right?

Finally, I have been loving William Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience, which I'm actually studying in literature at the moment. I love the Romantic movement and the Romantic poets, but the poems in Blake's Songs collection are some of my favourites, criticising parts of society that are still very relevant today. I bow down to you sir.

That's everything for this month's favourites! I can't believe how quickly February went by, it feels like I blinked at the end of January and now we're here! Downhill slope to exams now, definitely looking forward to that. Anything you're looking forward to now spring has sprung?



  1. Oooh, that one heck of a blot sound lovely! I will definatly have to check it out next time I'm in boots! :D
    Elephant stories and more

    1. It's so good! It's my new obsession, I literally don't go anywhere without it now :) beth x

  2. This year is going too quickly it's unreal, and great background, maybe iron out that crease? :P
    Great post, I've nominated you for the 'Sisterhood Of The World Bloggers Award'

    Meme xx

    1. I did think about ironing the crease, but I was too lazy! Thank you for nominating me :) beth x

  3. Hey, awesome post. I have nominated you for the Versatile Awards. Go onto my blog and it should be there. Please check it out and do it. Can't wait to see your answers
    Bebeabout xx
