Thursday 17 September 2015

Autumn Excitement!

The minute August ends I start getting overly excited for autumn to arrive again. It's my all time favourite season, and in spirit of the unseasonably cold weather and the fact I can wear my most massive jumpers again, I thought I'd list my top ten reasons why I feel a little sick with excitement that the most wonderful time of the year is just around the corner!

1. CHRISTMAS! How could I write a list of reasons to be excited for autumn without including the best, most magical and sparkly day of the whole year? Under 100 days to go!

2. Absolutely massive, completely oversized, occasionally festive jumpers

3. Blankets and hot chocolates and curling up with loved one's in front of the telly box

4. Pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks. Only Starbucks, they use magic to make them I swear down

5. The return of the Sunday roast

6. Long walks through the English countryside in the crisp cold air with leaves crunching underfoot, and returning home to tea and crumpets with jam

7. Autumnal scents in candles and making the whole house smell warm and cosy

8. Layering clothing and being able to cover all the bits that should never see the light of day without melting 

9. Fleecy, cosy pyjamas and socks

10. When all the town lights get switched on and you get to walk through pretty twinkling streets to do all your shopping

Oh man, I could go on and on about why I absolutely adore autumn! Let me know your thoughts on this excellent little season below!


  1. I love all of these (especially christmas!) but I have never tried a pumpkin spice'll go on my to do list!

    1. Oh man, pumpkin spice latte's essentially just epitomise autumn!

  2. Your blog is adorable, for starters!
    I'm so glad someone finally agrees, the moment summer ends I'm completely ready for Christmas time. I love it!!

    1. Thank you so much!
      Literally the minute the clock ticks over to September I crack out all things autumnal and christmassy and my family think I'm crazy!

  3. I love that you've started a countdown to Christmas already!! Although I detest the colder weather, I must admit I'm looking forward to the big cosy jumpers and mugs of hot chocolate xx Sophie /

  4. I really can't wait for autumn/winter and Christmas of course!

  5. My favorite time of the year! I wish California weather would just stop being hot but the rain will eventually come.... that one time a year that it does..... :p I'll have a Costa too! Thanks!

    Heba xx ││The HebaBloglovinInstagram
